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Ndali Lodge

Family-run Ndali Lodge lies adjacent to the Kibale Forest National Park, amid the Bunyaruguru Crater Lake region of Western Uganda. Surrounded by 1,000 acres of fertile farmland, Ndali Lodge perches on the rim of an extinct volcano, which is now filled with the blue-green waters of Lake Nyinambuga. Backed by the snow-capped peaks of the Rwenzori Mountains, Ndali Lodge has neither electricity nor generator and offers a collection of simple stone and thatched cottages. 


Ndali Lodge is located in Kabarole District, Western Uganda, 320km west of Kampala and 35km south of Fort Portal.


Ndali Lodge offers a selection of cottages, which face west to the Mountains of the Moon. Each of the Ndali Lodge cottages offers a selection of bedrooms and ensuite bathroom facilities. Laundry facilities are offered at Ndali Lodge.

Child-friendly Uganda Travel

Ndali Lodge welcomes children and can offer triple rooms and baby-sitting.

What to see and do on your Uganda safari to Ndali Lodge

Wildlife highlights: Kibale Forest National Park supports a rich mammalian fauna that includes 12 species of primate, most notable of which is the chimpanzee. Other animals include the bushbuck, red duiker, blue duiker, bush pig and civet. Rare species are the buffalo, giant forest hog and forest elephant. 

Birds: 325 recorded species.  


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